R&D: results
Updates on the work developed within this JRA can be found on the articles below. Find out about the latest goals, achievements, and challenges!
Task 2: Software Development for Muon Data Analysis
- New routines to improve the efficiency of data analysis
- Linking simulation and analysis codes to help with data interpretation
- New codes:
- interface for analysing Avoided Level Crossing (ALC) spectra
- routines for phase-quadrature and rotating reference frame data transforms
- computational methods based on GPUs to speed up minimisation routines and Fourier transforms - Integration of existing simulation codes:
- ‘Quantum’ package revised
- Python algorithms for dipolar field calculations

Task 3: Concept Studies for Future Muon Sources
- Concept study for a muon micro-beam
- “Future Muon Sources” Workshop

Task 4: Detector Technologies for Pulsed Muon Sources
- Measurements of very high instantaneous data rates, typical at pulsed muon sources
- APD test array
Outreach: Developing the Muon user community
- Muonsources.org
- Workshops on “Functional Materials” and “Soft Matter”