Polarised Neutrons (WP19)

Coordinator: , JCNS


The objectives of this project are:

  • To develop and to make commonly available the wide-angle polarisation analysis for neutron diffraction/spectroscopy. The realisation of large solid angle neutron polarimetry will allow for the use of large solid angle detectors, which enable the simultaneous data acquisition over a wide range of the transferred momentum. This will result in an enormous gain in the efficiency of neutron polarimetric experiments and open new horizons for detailed understanding of the mechanisms involved in mutiferroic compounds, photo induced and molecular magnets, magnetic nanostructures, spin electronic and new superconductors, which are at the forefront of condensed matter research.
  • To extend possibilities of methods of Larmor labelling towards higher energy and momentum resolution. The Larmor labelling of individual neutrons allows the development of “unusual” neutron scattering techniques. An extremely high energy (momentum) resolution that is not possible in conventional neutron spectroscopy (diffraction) because of intolerable intensity losses, become achievable. The Larmor labelling also opens exciting possibilities for further developments of polarized neutron techniques, such as measurements of three/many point correlation functions, the generation of pulsed beams out of continuous polychromatic beams, etc. research.
  • To broaden the user base of polarised neutron scattering by an extensive education and training program. We will continue the proven to be successful practice of the organisation schools on polarised neutron scattering.