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4th Meeting - December 4-6, 2012
3rd meeting - 10-11th May 2010
Agenda and presentations
JRA Detectors Agenda 3rd meeting (10 kB)
Report on the activity in WP22 at the ILL until April 2010 - Bruno Guerard - ILL (730 kB)
Report on the activity in WP22 at the ILL until April 2010 - Bruno Guerard - ILL -Part 2 (1 MB)
A detector to study small MSGC (ITO, etc) prototypes at high pressure - Luis Margato - ILL (1 MB)
A detector to study small MSGC (ITO, etc) prototypes at high pressure - Luis Margato - ILL -Part 2 (923 kB)
Characterization of the secondary light from MSGC in CF4: Preliminary results - Andrey Morozov - LIP (2 MB)
Microphotography of the light emitted by MSGCs operated in CF4 - Luis Pereira - LIP (2 MB)
Gaseous Scintillation Proportional Counters Detectors JRA WP22.3 status - Nigel Rhodes - STFC (398 kB)
A small prototype for light readout studies; Status report and first results - Karl Zeitelhack - TUM (1 MB)
First beam test results of "test light source" - Holger Noeldgen - FZJ (1 MB)
Test of Si-Photomultipliers for scintillator detectors, neutron and x-ray- Francesco Sacchetti - CNR (568 kB)
2nd meeting - December 10-11th 2009
Agenda and presentations
First results of a new MSGC design based on Cr/Al electrodes read out by charge devision - Hisako Niko - ILL (2 MB)
First results of a new MSGC design based on Cr/Al electrodes read out by charge devision - Hisako Niko - ILL - part 2 (2 MB)
MSGC-GSPC Scintillation Light and Charge measurements, Primary and secondary light analysis - Luis Margato - ILL (1 MB)
MSGC-GSPC Scintillation Light and Charge measurements, Primary and secondary light analysis - Luis Margato - ILL - Part 2 (2 MB)
Measurement of PMT photocathode uniformity - Luis Pereira - LIP (1 MB)
Characterization of CF4 primary scintillation light - Andrey Morozov - LIP (607 kB)
Recent topics from Japan - Hiroyuki Takahashi - Tokyo University (2 MB)
FP7-WP22.3 - Nigel Rhodes - STFC (632 kB)
Preliminary test of Si photomultipliers as neutron detectors - Francesco Sacchetti - CNR (493 kB)
The investigative detectors - A status report - Karl Zeitelhack - TUM (1 MB)
1st meeting - 30th March 2009
Agenda and presentations
Agenda -1st meeting (8 kB)
IIntroduction into Gaseous Scintillation Proportional Counters - Francisco Fraga - LIP (1 MB)
JRA Detectors - 1st meeting
IIntroduction into Gaseous Scintillation Proportional Counters - Francisco Fraga - LIP (1 MB)
JRA Detectors - 1st meeting
GSPC detectors development for neutron reflectometry and SANS Instruments - Bruno Guerard ILL (735 kB)
JRA Detectors - 1st meeting
Gas scintillator system for neutrons detection - Giuliana Manzin - ILL (610 kB)
JRA Detectors - 1st meeting
Detector simulations with McStas - Emanuel Farhi - ILL (192 kB)
JRA Detectors - 1st meeting
Photon detection devices & GSPCs at ISIS and Task 22.3 - Nigel Rhodes - STFC (1 MB)
JRA Detectors - 1st meeting
Photon detection devices & GSPCs at ISIS and Task 22.3 - Nigel Rhodes - STFC (2 MB)
JRA Detectors - 1st meeting
Scintillation detectors and readout electronics at FZJ-ZEL- Guenter Kemmerling - FZJ (2 MB)
JRA Detectors - 1st meeting
Development of a neutron detector based on Si-Microstrip technology - Francesco Sacchetti - CNR (1 MB)
JRA Detectors - 1st meeting
CF4 primary scintillation: UV-visible spectrum and photon yield - Andrey Morozov - LIP (775 kB)
JRA Detectors - 1st meeting