Neutron & Muon sources members of NMI3
Neutron sources
- BER II – Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin
Germany – Information for Users
NMI3 Access Coordinator: Thomas Gutberlet
The deadlines for submission of proposals are:
1st March
1st September
- Budapest Neutron Centre BNC – AEKI
Budapest, Hungary – User office
NMI3 Access Coordinator: Rozsa Baranyai
The deadlines for submission of proposals are:
15th May for the reactor cycle August-December
15th October for January-June.
- Forschungs-Neutronenquelle Heinz Maier-Leibnitz FRM II – TU München
Garching, Germany – NMI3 User pages
NMI3 Access Coordinator: Jürgen Neuhaus, Ina Lommatzsch
The next deadline for submission of proposals is September 11, 2015.
- Helmholtz-Zentrum Geestacht (HZG)
Operating instruments at FRM II/TUM – NMI3 User pages
NMI3 Access Coordinator: Martin Müller
The next deadline for submission of proposals is September 11, 2015
- ISIS Pulsed Neutron Source
Oxford, UK – User office
NMI3 Access Coordinator: Philip King
Direct access is the standard route to apply for beamtime at ISIS. There are two calls for proposals each year with deadlines 16 April and 16 October. There will be no proposal round in April 2014 due to the long shutdown. Next call for proposals:
Autumn 2014 for beamtime in 2015.
- Jülich Centre for Neutron Science (JCNS)
Operating instruments at FRM II/TUM – NMI3 User pages
NMI3 Access Coordinator: Flavio Carsughi
The next deadline for submission of proposals is September 11, 2015
- Laboratoire Leon Brillouin (LLB)
Gif-sur-Yvette, France – Apply for beam time
NMI3 Access Coordinator: Alain Menelle
The deadlines for submission of proposals are: 1st April and 1st October
- Nuclear Physics Institute NPI
Prague, Czech Republic – NMI3 User office
NMI3 Access Coordinator: Pavol Mikula
- Reactor Institute Delft – TU Delft
Delft, The Netherlands – NMI3 User pages
NMI3 Access Coordinator: Menno Blaauw
- SINQ – Paul Scherrer Institute
Villigen, Switzerland – NMI3 User Office
NMI3 Access Coordinator: Stefan Janssen
Proposal submission deadline:
15th May and 15th November, midnight
Muon sources
- ISIS Muon source
Oxford, UK – User office
NMI3 Access Coordinator: Adrian Hillier
- SmuS – Paul Scherrer Institute
Villigen, Switzerland – NMI3 User pages
NMI3 Access Coordinator: Stefan Janssen
Deadline for proposals' submission: 11th June and 10th December
How to acknowledge NMI3 in scientific publications
This project has received funding from the European Union's 7th Framework Programme for research, technological development and demonstration under the NMI3-II Grant number 283883.
Disseminate your results
If you would like to disseminate your results once your paper is published, please contact us at and we will prepare an article about it and promote it!