NMI3-II Data Analysis WP6 contribution at the General Assembly (Sept 2014)
We presented the final status of the work-package 6 “Data Analysis” at the NMI3-II General Assembly in Saragossa in Sept 2014. The slides of our talk are available here [ pdf ].
NMI3-II Data Analysis WP6 4th and final meeting June 17th 2014 in Grenoble

The science building location (EPN). Seminar room is on the ground floor, after the lifts.
The final meeting of the NMI3-II Data Analysis workpackage (WP6) took place on the June 17th 2014 afternoon, at the ILL, Grenoble, France in the Seminar Room of the brand new Science building, in collaboration with the Integrated User Access workpackage (WP5, 17th in the morning).
See below to get the minutes of the WP6 meeting.
The tentative WP5 meeting topics are (June 17th 9am, Science Building, Seminar room ground floor) :
- welcome (9 am)
- final report on cross facility beam time access (K. Pranzas, F. Casurghi)
- first version of software package prototype on integrated user registration and proposal submission (N. Leidel)
- discussion on requirements for software prototypes
The tentative WP6 programme is the following (June 17th 2pm, Science Building, Seminar room ground floor) :
- Welcome (2 pm)
- Presentation of Task 2 report (D6.2)
- Task 3/4 (D6.3/4) pre-report: status of prototypes and their evaluation
- Outcome of the WP6
- end of the meeting (6 pm)
Coffee breaks have been arranged for both the WP5 and WP6 meetings on the June 17th.
A guest restaurant room has been booked at the ILL-ESRF (1st floor, by the back of the room) on June 17th by 12:30.
Accommodation, travel, restaurant
To get directions for coming, look here. Our workpackage can support your travel/accommodation costs if you are a member of the work-package. Please contact our secretary Brigitte Dubouloz to book our guest-house rooms or at Marie-Curie hotel, and grant a site access.
Two dinners will be organised
- June 16th 20:00 (organised by WP5) La Basserie du Palais 29 rue Pierre Sémard
- June 17th 20:00 (organised by WP6) L'Envie des Mets 7 Rue Genissieu
If you need to call a Taxi, phone: (+33) 4 76 54 47 50 / (+33) 06 99 21 97 10
Mantid training June 18-19
A Mantid tutorial was held on the June 18-19th, for the ILL scientists and users. More information at ILL Mantid training annoucement and at ILL Mantid training resources (installers, example data files, scripts…).
NMI3-II Data Analysis WP6 3rd meeting June 20th 2013 in Berlin

The 3rd meeting of our work-package Data Analysis Standards took place on June 20th 2013, 9-12 am as a satellite meeting of the NMI3-II general assembly.
The program was the following:
- Welcome
- Presentation of the Task1 report on existing software
- Status of the Task2 report on solutions for common infrastructure
- Progress on the Mantid evaluation for reactor source instruments (part of Task3):
- TOF: IN4-5-6@ILL, Focus@PSI, MiBemol@LLB, TofTof@FRM-II, NEAT@BENSC, …
- SANS: D33@ILL, …
- Performance, functionalities/algorithms, usability
- Benchmarking with LAMP
- Flavio Carsugi, MLZ/FRM-II, DE
- Peter Willendrup, DTU, DK
- Jon Taylor, ISIS, UK
- Martin Mueller, HZG, DE
- Klaus Pranzas, HZG, DE
- Thomas Gutberlet, HZB, DE
- Emmanuel FARHI, ILL, FR
- Ricardo Leal, ILL, FR. See below for slides.
There was also a 20 minutes presentation of the work-package on June 21th at 10:20 am as part of the NMI3-II meeting. See below for slides.
We also recommend to read the paper by G. Wilson et al. from the Software Carpentry Best Practices for Scientific Computing as well as the report from IUCR Computing Commission Age Concern .
Venue for the meeting:
Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences and Humanities, S-bahn Brandenburger Tor.
NMI3-II Data Analysis WP6 2nd meeting Dec 5th 2012 in Garching-FRM2
The next meeting of our work-package will take place in Garching-FRM2 on December 5th 2012, TUM ISaR Library 9-12 am.
During this meeting, we shall present and discuss the results of the tasks 1 and 2, as reports prepared by Ricardo Leal and me. In these documents, an overview of the existing neutron scattering data analysis software is made, which allows to define recommendations for future projects. These reports are intended to serve as a foundation for the Tasks 3 and 4.
Tentative Agenda:
- Presentation/discussion of the Report on existing software
- Presentation/discussion of the Report on solutions for common infrastructure
- Presentation/discussion of initial coding with Mantid, aiming at handling reactor based instruments – pros and cons
If you wish to present some thoughts and/or results which might contribute to the discussion (for instance your research centre strategy concerning data analysis), please tell me. This meeting is also openned to other NMI3 project members, as observers.
I also encourage you to attend the other computer related meetings, i.e. Integrated User Access Integrated User Access (Dec 4th@library), e-learning (Dec 6th@library), Monte Carlo workshop (Dec 7th@library).
This meeting is a satellite of the NMI3 General Assembly
Accommodation: Motel One or Ibis in garching.
NMI3-II Data Analysis WP6 1st meeting July 5-6 2012 at the ILL

This is the NMI3-II WP6 start-up meeting.
- Emmanuel FARHI, ILL, France farhi@ill.fr +33 47620 7135
- Ricardo Leal, ILL leal@ill.fr
- Stig Skelboe, DMSC, Copenhagen University, Denmark skelboe@nbi.dk
- Peter Willendrup, DTU, Copenhagen, Denmark pkwi@fysik.dtu.dk
- Jon Taylor, ISIS, UK jon.taylor@stfc.ac.uk
- Joachim Wuttke, JCNS/FRM-II, Germany j.wuttke@fz-juelich.de
- Thomas Gutberlet HZB, Germany thomas.gutberlet@helmholtz-berlin.de
- Miriam Forster, ILL forster@ill.fr
- Joachim Kohlbrecher, PSI joachim.kohlbrecher@psi.ch absent
- Mark Johnson, ILL johnson@ill.fr (excused)
- Laurent Chapon, ILL chapon@ill.fr (excused)
- Sylvain Petit, LLB, Saclay, France sylvain.petit@cea.fr (excused)
Secretary: Brigitte Dubouloz dublouloz@ill.fr
The Programme and Minutes of the meeting are available below, as well as the talks presented by E. Farhi, J. Taylor and R. Leal.