NMI3 WP leaders meet to discuss the project’s future

Presentation of work progress and valuable discussions at the NMI3 Business Meeting


Progress of the work packages

NMI3 Business Meeting 2013 NMI3 Business Meeting 2013 WP leaders and members of the Advisory Committee at the 2013 NMI3 Business Meeting in MLZ.

WP leaders and members of the Advisory Committee at the NMI3 Business Meeting in MLZ.

On Friday November 29, the leaders of the NMI3 Work Packages (WP) have met at the Heinz Maier-Leibnitz Zentrum (MLZ) in Garching. The aim was to present the progress of the WP’s and receive feedback from other members as well as from the Advisory Committee. We were glad to see that all the WP’s are on the good way to comply with the objectives proposed in the beginning of the project, in February 2012. For further details on the work developed within the NMI3 JRA’s, please click on the links provided below.

Looking to Horizon 2020

In the afternoon, Mark Johnson – the NMI3 coordinator – asked the representative of each facility to express their views on the possible continuation of NMI3 throughout the European Commission Framework Programme Horizon 2020 . Everyone present agreed that NMI3 prompts collaboration between European neutron and muon researchers and facilitating users’ access to the facilities.

The consortium contributes to scientific developments, valuable to science both at European and international level. Neutrons and muons are valuable to investigate properties of a wide range of materials used for health and life sciences, information technologies, nanotechnologies, environmental science, and other scientific fields, and therefore future lack of funding would have a negative impact in European science. During the next months all the members will analyse their possibilities.

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