An exciting new web portal for the muon community is now live


The muon community has a new reference website, as went live this month.

The website is the fruit of the work of Jamie Peck and Steve Cottrell from ISIS, UK, who received support from NMI3 to promote muon spectroscopy among the community. The new website follows the model of its companion, which is an initiative of neutron research facilities and neutron communities around the world, launched a year ago. received positive feedback at the Muon Conference (μSR2014), so the editors thought it was time to launch it!

On this exciting website you can find muon-related news and scientific highlights, an introduction to Science with Muons, a list of the world’s Muon centres and a dedicated page for each, links to useful resources such as projects, software, tables and educational material, and a calendar of muon conferences, workshops and schools.

Have you got exciting news, scientific highlights, or know of a muon-event? Drop an email at and it can be published on the website!

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