ICNS, Edinburgh
Description- Instrumentation –
A challenge for European markets
This workshop is a ICNS satellite workshop and will take place on the 9th of July in the afternoon.
The target group
Procurement officers (who can refer to their national rules and standards, and also propose possibilities of harmonization);
Instrumentation engineers or scientists (who will speak about their experience with collaboration with supplier firms and their specific needs);
and of course Instrumentation supplier firms (who will have the opportunity to express their needs, like upfront involvement and harmonized standards and critical market sizes)
The aims of the workshop
Identify major challenges, bottlenecks and risks in the relationship between Research Infrastructures and Suppliers. Develop strategies to overcome these difficulties. The outcome will be communicated to the European Commission.
Possibility of “single day” admission for this event.
Contact E-Mail URLhttp://nmi3.eu/about-nmi3/industry-/industry-as-a-supplier---icns-workshop.html