ALBA Synchrotron near Barcelona
DescriptionUser Offices play a key role in large scale synchrotron, FEL and neutron facilities. Lately, European projects like PaNData, Calipso, NMI3 or EuroFEL between such facilities seems to point towards the harmonization of workflows, software or procedures employed by User Offices. However, each facility has its own national constrains.
The present meeting is a first discussion forum of European User Offices. It was initially proposed after some discussions during European projects meetings like PaNData and it will become an opportunity to know each facility workflows and achievements as well as common worries and future developments.
OrganiserInmaculada Ramos (ALBA) and Thomas Gutberlet (HZB)
Contact NameDr. Inma Ramos
E-Mail URL
Phone+34 93 592 4000