
Task 20.2: Technologies for high field instruments

PSI Spectrometer PSI Spectrometer


Both ISIS and PSI muon facilities are developing new muon instruments designed to enable the application of magnetic fields in the range 5T – 10T. For muon spectrometers, where both incoming and outgoing particles are charged, fields in this range pose a very significant technical challenge as they strongly affect particle trajectories. Work is needed to develop suitable detector technologies and to design instrument detector arrays. It should be noted that the ISIS and PSI high field instruments will be largely complementary to each other, with ISIS concentrating on longitudinal µSR and PSI on transverse measurements.

Specific Aims:

Task 20. 3: Developing technologies for µSR at high pressures

HiFi Gas Cell HiFi Gas Cell


This work will focus on the development of pressure capabilities for µSR. In particular, the aim is to develop two types of pressure cells: a) for gas-phase studies and b) for condensed matter studies (e.g. novel electronic phenomena). The gas pressure cell will include an RF coil, making provision for RF studies akin to NMR, and opening up the possibility of studying reaction kinetics on topical gas systems. The challenge in this task will be solving problems unique to µSR, including the need for thin beam entry windows, avoiding significant degradation of the decay positrons and ensuring muons are stopped in the sample region with a low measurement background from the cell walls.

Specific Aims:

Task 20.4: Novel resonance techniques and simulation codes for complex experiments

Composite Inversion Pulse Composite Inversion Pulse


This development aims to demonstrate the use of NMR-style pulsed resonance techniques, and particularly simultaneous stimulation of the muon and nuclear spins, as a means of providing novel experimental methods for µSR. An in-situ NMR capability will also be developed, both to support the multi-nuclear experiments and to provide a unique experimental system. The suitability of simulation codes for supporting the analysis of complex µSR experiments will be considered. In particular, it is foreseen that a package will be coded for magnetic structure simulation applied to muons, involving the calculation of constrained electrostatic potentials for muon sites and dipolar sums.

Specific Aims:

Task 20. 5: Muon beamline control and modelling

High Field Simulation High Field Simulation


Muon beamlines are complex and require many hours of set-up to enable correct transportation of the primary muon beam to the sample. The parameters of the beam can greatly affect measurement capabilities, and this is likely to become more significant when high magnetic field spectrometers come on-line (for example, the need to ensure the muon beam and magnetic field axes are co-linear becomes paramount). A greater understanding of beam and instrument properties, gained both through better diagnostic tools and simulation codes, will greatly assist beam setup, and aid the experimenter during subsequent data analysis.

Specific Aims: