Baltic Neutron School

Next one: 2016

Tartu, Estonia

BNS2014 BNS2014

The school is aimed at graduate students, post-doctoral fellows and scientists who are new to neutrons and X-rays. The participation of more experienced users of neutron and X-ray facilities and scientific discussion between experienced users and young scientists are important components of the school.

During four days, a series of lectures will be given by leading scientists on the following topics:
• Neutron sources
• Instrumentation
• Neutron scattering
• Diffraction
• Reflectometry
• Engineering
• Neutrons & X-rays

All lectures will be in English and the school is open to 35-50 participants.


Report on the 2014 school

The school’s participants and organisers told us about their experience. You can get to know all about it by watching the video below and reading the article available here .

School series - The 2014 Baltic Neutron School School series - The 2014 Baltic Neutron School

Click on the picture to watch our BNS 2014 school video