About NMI3
Integrated Infrastructure Initiative for Neutron Scattering and Muon Spectroscopy
A European initiative funded by the 7th Framework programme
The aim of the Integrated Infrastructure Initiative for Neutron Scattering and Muon Spectroscopy (NMI3) is to facilitate the pan-European coordination of neutron scattering and muon spectroscopy research activities, by integrating all the research infrastructures in these fields within the European Research Area.
NMI3 is a consortium of 18 partner organisations from 12 countries, including 8 facilities.
NMI3 includes all major facilities in the fields of neutron scattering and muon spectroscopy, opening the way for a more concerted, and thus more efficient, use of the existing infrastructure; the ultimate aim being a more strategic approach to future developments and increased European competitiveness in this area.
Integration is achieved by several means:
- Transnational Access – Our Access Programme gives European users access to all of the relevant European research facilities (8 partner facilities offering more than 4000 days of beam time) and hence the possibility to use the best adapted infrastructure for their research.
- Joint Research Activities – NMI3 fosters collaborations focusing on specific R&D areas to develop techniques and methods for the next-generation instrumentation. These collaborations are transnational and involve all European facilities and academic institutions with experts and know-how in the relevant fields.
- Funds for Education – By offering funding for schools and workshops and producing educational and dissemination resources, NMI3 aims to train future generations of users.
- Outreach & Dissemination – Our newsletters and brochures ensure the public is aware of research carried out at European Neutron & Muon facilities.
- Common Management – NMI3 encourages strategic decision-making from a truly European perspective.
NMI3 is supported by the European Commission and falls within the action 'Research Infrastructures' of the 'Capacities' Programme.
In the EU 7th Framework Programme (FP7) all of the different activities related to a common type of Research Infrastructure are combined into this single project – an Integrated Infrastructure Initiative (I3).
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